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October 03, 2018 | Niels Laan | Xiaomi, Window/door sensors

Xiaomi door/window sensor

Today there is another Xiaomi product. This manufacturer makes home automation products for a nice price. We are going to review the door/window sensor.

With this sensor you can register whether a door / window is open or closed. He records this with a magnetic contact, as soon as it is broken, the sensor knows that your door is open. It works via the wireless Zigbee protocol. In this post you can find more information about this protocol.

You can use this sensor to supplement your alarm system to monitor your windows and doors. It must be stated that it does not have a tamper sensor. So in theory a burglar can take him from the window frame without sounding your alarm. Another application is, for example, when you open a door that a light comes on.

The power supply of this sensor is fired by a CR1632 which makes it super small. It is even only 41x20x11mm which makes it the smallest on the market. Despite this smaller battery, the replacement is not often necessary, because the Zigbee protocol uses its energy very efficiently. 2 stickers are supplied so that you can attach it to your frame and / or door. Incidentally, there is already a sticker on it. You cannot screw it down. Which is a shame.

It is for sale between € 10.00 and € 15.00 which, of course, makes it very competitively priced compared to a Z-Wave competitor.

What do you get:

- Sensor Magnet
- 2 stickers
- Manual (chinese)



We will install this sensor on the following systems:

- Domoticz
- Xiaomi Gateway v2
- Homey

This sensor can also be installed on Smartthings and Home Assistant. As soon as we have provided it with a review, it will also be their turn.

This product is for sale for:

€ 10

Niels Laan

Founder of this blog and passionate home automation nerd. All articles from Niels