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April 21, 2018 | Niels Laan | Dooya, Curtains/rails

Dooya - Automate curtains

Installation on the Homey:

I would like to show you the possibility to install it via the Fibaro Shutter module, but unfortunately this is not possible with this engine. Fortunately, he can be added to the Homey so no problem in itself.

You start the installation by logging in to the Homey and going to the device section. Then click on the plus and install the Brel motors APP. After this you click on Brel Curtains and you have to open and close the curtains on the remote control. It was neatly found and added.

So from now on you can operate it via the Homey and via the supplied remote control.

Installation screens:



Flow options:




Example flow:

As an example, I would like the curtains to close when the sun is down.

Other systems:

Because the motor works via the 433Mhz protocol, it should not be a problem to install it on other controllers. For example, I read messages that the rfxCOM i.s.m. Domoticz should also work. I have not tested this myself.

A better option is to purchase the DT52S engine with a Fibaro Roller shutter that works via Z-Wave. This allows you to use it on, for example, the Fibaro Home Center 2, Vera and ZipaTile. We have not been able to test this Engine yet, but there is some information about it on the web.

This product is for sale for:

Dooya - Automate curtains
€ 62

Niels Laan

Founder of this blog and passionate home automation nerd. All articles from Niels

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