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February 20, 2019 | Niels Laan | Xiaomi, Motion sensors

Xiaomi Aqara Human Motion Sensor

Installation on the Xiaomi Gateway

First we are going to add this sensor to the Xiaomi Gateway. This should of course go without problems since this is their own product. You can start adding by logging in to the APP. And go to your devices and then press "Add child device". You must then look up the Aqara Motion Sensor to start the addition. Then how to press the button on the side for 3 seconds. The gateway will call out a nice Chinese text for you (so don't be shocked) and the sensor will light up blue. The addition went without problems. Xiaomi gives a tip to press the button on the side again when the sensor is in place.

The range is excellent and the sensor responds quickly. It strikes me that the sensor only transmits the lux value if motion is detected. Something to keep in mind if you want to use this value in other rules. Another point is that there are no setting options to, for example, adjust the sensitivity of the sensor. So if you have a pet then there may be unwanted notifications.

The hanging goes well through the supplied bracket and you can turn it in any angle. To make the sensor small, you can also omit the bracket and stick the sticker directly onto the sensor and place it back on the ceiling. This of course makes the angle somewhat limited adjustable. Xiaomi indicates that there is a 7 meter range and a 170 degree viewing angle. This 7 meter appears to be slightly less in practice.

Installation screens:



Such a sensor is nice, but of course you want to automate something with it. You can do this by creating a scene. We are going to make a sensor that turns on the gateway lamp when you walk past the sensor. We will also immediately use the light meter to ensure that it only comes on when it is dark.

First I create 2 conditions; 1 if there is movement and 2 if the light meter has a low value. We then indicate in the Then column that the gateway must be switched on.

This product is for sale for:

€ 13

Niels Laan

Founder of this blog and passionate home automation nerd. All articles from Niels

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Motion sensors