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August 31, 2021 | Niels Laan | Neo Coolcam, Motion sensors

Neo Coolcam Motion Sensor (5in1)

Installation on the Fibaro Home Center 3:

To install this sensor, we first log in to the web interface of the HC3. We then go to "settings" and then "devices". Then we unscrew the cover of the sensor on the back and remove the tabs at the batteries.

Now we click on the plus and select Z-wave. We press the button on the sensor until the LED turns white. We then release the button again. Do not wait until the LED is completely off again because then the addition will not succeed.

Now the LED will flash blue and then it will turn red. I see it found by the HC3 and see it after one at my devices.

Installation screens:



You get a motion detector, temperature, light and humidity sensor. When there is movement, the LED lights up blue, you can also turn this off via the parameters (see here). The temperature sensor gives a value of 26.2 degrees while my calibrated sensor (which is next to it) gives 27.1 degrees. So it is quite accurate.

Scene options:

You get the options below to create a scene.

Example scene:

We create a scene where if movement is detected and the lux value is lower than 5, the lamp in the hall is switched on.

This product is for sale for:

Neo Coolcam Motion Sensor (5in1)
€ 33

Niels Laan

Founder of this blog and passionate home automation nerd. All articles from Niels

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Motion sensors