INNR Smart Candle Colour

Installation on the Aeotec Smart Home - Smartthings hub:
We are also going to add this lamp to the Smartthings hub of Aeotec/Samsung. You can do this by going to your devices and clicking on the plus sign in the top right. The lamp has a QR code so we will try to add it this way.
After some steps we supply the lamp with power, it will change color. After a few seconds I see the lamp flashing and the APP indicates that it has found it. If this does not work, you have to reset the lamp by turning it on/off 6 times.
Installation screens:
You can dim the lamp, change the color of the RGB LEDs, make the white LEDs warmer or colder and switch it on and off.
Example routine:
We want this lamp to turn on automatically when it's dark. For this we can use the built-in routines. Go to your routines and then press "discover" and swipe down because there you will find this standard routine. We then indicate that it is the INNR lamp and press save.