INNR Smart Candle Colour

Installation on Home Assistant:
We are also going to install this lamp with the free Home Assistant software. As hardware we use a Raspberry pi 3 that you can buy for less than 50 euros.
This INNR lamp works via the Zigbee 3.0 protocol, to get it working with Home Assistant you need a gateway/controller. We are going to use the Conbee 2 USB stick to add the lamp.
The first step (if you haven't already done so) is to install this stick on Home Assistant. It's a matter of plugging the stick into the PI and then going to the configuration/integrations. You will see him immediately. Now you have to go through some steps and it will be added automatically.
If the stick works we can add the lamp. We go to our configuration, integrations and click on the devices of the conbee stick. You will then see a button "add device" at the bottom left to start adding. Now we need to power the lamp, it will change color. After a few seconds we see a flash and the lamp has been found.
Installation screens:
We can dim the lamp, turn it on/off, change the color of the RGB LEDs into millions of different colors. There is also an option to change the white LEDs (warmer, colder).
Example automation:
We want to use this lamp as a "wake up light" now we can make extensive automation for this, but this is not necessary. Home assistant has the option to use blue prints. These are a kind of standard templates that you can apply. Someone has already made something beautiful for a "wake up light".
You can find these here:
You can import it via configuration, blueprint and then paste the url into it. Now all we have to do is turn on the lamp and we're done with the banana.