Eco-DIM.10 - Smart LED Dimmer Module - Z-Wave

Installation via the ZipaTile/ZipaBox:
The installation of this dimmer is done by first removing the old dimmer. Of course, make sure that there is no more power. Via the supplied installation diagram you can connect the dimmer 2 or 3 wires (without blue wire or with blue wire).
When you have connected the whole thing, wait a while before turning back the power and mounting the wall switch.
First go to the ZipaTile and log in and go to your devices. Then click on "add new device" and select Z-Wave. The dimmer should be found immediately, but this is not the case. If that happens, press the reset button on the front of the Eco-DIM twice. The module has been reset/removed, to start adding, press the reset button twice again. You will now be asked for the DSK code. You can find this on the back of the dimmer.
Incidentally, the LED will flash and light up for 10 seconds to indicate that the addition was successful.
The addition was now successful and I can dim it and turn it on/off, I see the total consumption and current consumption. There is also a Voltage and Ampere meter but these do not transmit any value. This is of course not that big of a problem.
As a final step, we screw the whole back together and mount the wall switch.
Installation screens:
I get an on/off switch and a dimmer. I can also view the current consumption and total consumption.