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February 02, 2022 | Niels Laan | Neo Coolcam

Neo Coolcam Repeater

Installation on the Fibaro Home Center 2:

The physical installation of this product is not very complicated because it is a matter of pushing it into a socket. If you have supplied it with power, the LED will briefly light up red. Indicates that it has not been added to a controller.

We now log in to the HC2 and go to our devices, we then click on "add or remove device" and then on "add". Now the HC2 is in learning mode and we have to keep the button on the repeater pressed for 5 seconds until the LED lights up green. Make sure to release the button before the LED goes out. If you wait too long, you won't be able to add.

After a while I see that the HC2 has found him.

Installation screens:



I get to see a temperature sensor and a humidity sensor. It strikes me that the temperature sensor transmits a value of -4.4 degrees. Well, it's really not that cold inside. You can correct this with the parameters. You will find this information further on in the article.

Unfortunately, I can't see whether the repeater works with the HC2.

Scene options:

Temperature sensor:

Humidity sensor:

Example scene:

It is of course impossible to create a scene with the repeater function. So let's make an example with the humidity sensor. If it exceeds 85%, we turn on the fan. In this way we can ensure that it does not become too damp in the bathroom.

This product is for sale for:

Neo Coolcam Repeater

Niels Laan

Founder of this blog and passionate home automation nerd. All articles from Niels