Xiaomi Mi Smart Plug

Installation on the Vera Plus:
The smart home controller from Vera has support for the Zigbee protocol so adding it shouldn't cause too many problems. We start by logging into the Vera and going to our devices. We then click on "add device" and find the Xiaomi plug. Unfortunately it is not found, but we can try to add it as a "generic device". We then click on this and after a few steps the Vera asks to put the plug in learning mode. You can do this by holding the button at the top for 5 seconds. The LED on the front will first light up red and then flash blue.
It was found by the Vera and I can turn it on and off. Unfortunately the energy measurement does not work.
Installation screens:
You only get an on and off switch with the Vera.
Example scene:
We give as an example that if the plug is switched on and it is between 19.00 and 23.00 (on a won/don/fri/sat/sun) that the ECO dim is also switched on.