Aeotec Smart Home Hub - Smartthings
Add device Zigbee:
As mentioned before, the Aeotec hub has built in various protocols. We have just seen the Z-Wave protocol, we now move on to the Zigbee variant. Zigbee is an open standard that can be used by manufacturers. This means, among other things, that they can make adjustments to the software/hardware themselves in order to make their own products work well with each other. As a result, the different brands can often not always be used interchangeably and support for different hubs is usually also a problem.
Zigbee is best known from Philips, who use this for their lighting. Fortunately, more and more manufacturers are embracing this protocol, such as Xiaomi and Ikea. So not the least. We are going to add a few more devices.

Ikea Bulb:
We'll start by adding a smart bulb, this time from Ikea. It works via the Zigbee protocol and when we search the APP we also see this brand. Installing this lamp is not very complicated because it is a matter of unscrewing the old bulb and putting the new one back in.
We then start the APP again and click on the plus sign and search for Ikea, then press Lighting and then Ikea. Now we have to turn the lamp on/off 6x to put it into learning mode. The lamp gives a short flash that this was successful and after a few seconds I see it also appear in the APP.
We can of course also serve it.
You get the option to turn the lamp on/off, dim it and change the color.

Aqara Smart Plug:
The next device is an adapter from Aqara which also works with the Zigbee protocol. This plug is useful to be able to turn off your stereo, for example, so that it is not switched on unnecessarily. If you use this plug smartly, it can even earn you money.
We will also add these again by pressing the plus sign. We use the scanner this time because we see a QR code on the inside of the box. We scan the code and put the plug in the socket. It is not found after a long time of waiting, so we reset it by pressing and holding the button on the top until the LED lights up. After that, the LED will start flashing blue and it will be found by the APP.
We get an on and off switch and see the power consumption of the connected device. It is noticeable that we do not see the total consumption.

Friend Heat Intelligent Alarm:
We have already had a few different types of devices. Now we can add a motion sensor again, but then it might get a bit boring. So let's add a smoke detector. After all, this one is also very useful to make smart. You can then have a signal sent to your phone if there is a fire or that all the lights in your house come on and your central heating boiler is switched off. We will show you how you can arrange this in the following chapters. We are now going to add this sensor first.
This sensor also has a code, so we scan it. Unfortunately, we get the message that the code is not recognized. So we have to add it manually by looking it up. We then select, Friend, smoke detectors and then Friend Zigbee Sensor Device.
You will be asked to press and hold the button at the top for 15 seconds. The LED will flash 1x red then 2x red and will then flash several times in succession. Now is the time to release the button. After waiting about 30 seconds, we see that the sensor is added.
Unfortunately not as the correct device and because of this it does not work as it should. When inquiring with Friends, it is indeed true that it is not yet supported (this is being worked on).