RobbSmarrt Rotary dimmer Z-Wave 2-wire

Installation via the Homey:
The first smart home controller on which we will install the RobbSmarrt dimmer is the Homey from Athom. We start by removing the old switch / dimmer. Make sure you take the power off first, after all, we don't want a shock. You can connect this dimmer with and without a blue wire. Preferred with blue thread. A schedule is included so this must be clear.
After this, wait a while before turning the power back on. It's easier to login to the Homey first and add it to your devices. When you're here, hit the plus and search Robbsmarrt. Then install the APP (if you do not already have it) and then find the rotary dimmer (this has Rotery dimmer z-wave).
The installation will start and we supply the dimmer with power. The dimmer will first be reset. You can start this by pressing a screwdriver / pen into the reset hole. Do this 3x in quick succession. The LED will light up red and then flash quickly. Wait a moment for the lamp to dim again before the next step. The Homey will now show the next step to actually add it. This is a matter of pushing the reset hole 3x again.
I had to repeat these steps a few times because he didn't want to add it. So continue the tip. Make sure you have the dimmer close to the Homey.
After the installation I see a dimmer, on/off switch, current consumption and total consumption and all configuration options are available. And everything works as it should and reacts quickly.
Installation screens:
You get a dimmer, on / off switch and you see the total consumption and the current consumption.
Flow options:
Flow example:
What will we come up with this time :) Maybe nice to use the zone activity of the Homey. The Homey keeps track of what happens in a certain zone / space. We use this zone activity as a starting point. We would like there to be 1 minute of activity and then the lamp to go on. Of course we do not want the lamp to go on unnecessarily if it is not dark. So we use the sunrise tag at "AND".
Conclusion Homey:
This rotary dimmer works perfectly with the Homey. The only point that I ran into is that the installation sometimes goes a bit stiff and you need a few tries.
Table of content
- Intro
- Homey
- Zipato (ZipaTile/ZipaBox)
- Fibaro Home Center 2
- Vera (Plus/Edge)
- Domoticz
- Conclusion Domoticz: This dimmer works fine. As usual with Domoticz, it is a bit of a search to determine which endpoints you have to switch on to make the right devices visible.
- Parameters
- Competition
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Lamp test
- Conclusion