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November 27, 2021 | Niels Laan | Fibaro, Remote controls/Keyfobs

Fibaro Walli Controller

Installation on the Fibaro Home Center 2:

We will of course also install this Walli Controller on the HC2. This should of course go without any problems as this Fibaro is their own product.

The first step is to release the button on the front. This takes some convincing, but after prying it is free. If you look closely at the battery you will see a tab there. You have to pull this out, so that the controller gets power. The LED will light up to indicate this.

Now we put the button back and log in to the HC2 and go to our devices. Now we click on "add new device" and then on "add". Now we have to press the button on the controller 3 times in quick succession to activate the add. It will be found quite quickly after this and see the LED flash yellow.

After a while I also see it with my devices and it does what it has to do.

Installation screens:



You get a scene controller and a temperature sensor with this Walli. To start a scene you can use the following impression options:

Top button:
Press 1x, 2x, 3x, hold and release

Bottom button:
Press 1x, 2x, 3x, hold and release

Example scene:

Of course you can come up with 100 different examples. From starting a movie scene, so that your TV, amplifier and lamps turn on, to a simple one where you switch on 1 lamp.

We go for this last variant and we use the magic scenes for this. We use the 1x push as a trigger and then turn on the lamp.


Niels Laan

Founder of this blog and passionate home automation nerd. All articles from Niels